
Free Water-Wise Checkups: for Tenant or Owner, Virtual or On-Site!

Steven Cognac, our Water Conservation Specialist, will identify water and money-saving opportunities for your property, at no charge! Call us at 805.969.2271 to schedule. See video above to learn more!

Countywide Garden Recognition Contest

The WaterWise Garden Recognition Contest promotes attractive and water efficient gardens throughout Santa Barbara County. Residents of single-family homes served by Montecito Water District may apply for the contest to compete for an agency award and the countywide grand prize. Winners will have their landscapes featured online, receive a yard award, and more!

>  Learn More about the countrywide garden recognition contest!

2022 Waterwise Garden Recognition Contest winners

Why is Conservation so Important?

At MWD, we're really proud of customers for stepping up their conservation efforts. Residents of Montecito and Summerland appreciate how unique our local environment is – and show a willingness to adapt accordingly. Changes in behavior, changes in landscaping practices, evolving aesthetics, education, and all adds up to keeping our community beautiful, and more important: sustainable.

Our changing climate requires Californians to move beyond temporary emergency drought measures and adopt permanent changes to use water wisely and prepare for more frequent and persistent periods of limited water supply. Conservation and efficiency also reduce the energy needed to pump, transport, treat and deliver water. Your small changes make a big impact and we urge everyone to stay up-to-date on current conservation requirements. Only by working together can we improve and sustain the state’s water future for generations to come.

conservation garden