Green Gardener Program - Next Session Starts January 22, 2024
Enroll yourself or encourage someone you know to learn more
> Click Here for Flyer (PDF - Bilingual)
For over 20 years, the Green Gardener Program for Santa Barbara County has educated local gardeners in resource efficiency and pollution prevention landscape maintenance practices. The Green Gardener Program is a regional program designed to offer education, training, and promotion of participating gardeners and landscape maintenance contractors. Since Fall 2000, thousands of students have completed the certification program offered through the Santa Barbara City College's School of Extended Learning in Santa Barbara and Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria.
Annual High School Video Contest
2024 marks the 25th Annual WaterWise High School Video Contest!
High school filmmakers throughout Santa Barbara County are challenged to produce creative and high-quality 30 second videos on the importance of water use efficiency in Santa Barbara County. The winning videos are aired on local TV, digital, and movie theater ads as a Public Service Announcement on water conservation. Students also win prizes for themselves and their schools. Up to six video entries, three Spanish and three English, are allowed per school.