Water quality meets or exceeds standards 
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2023 Annual Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report

Now Available Online at www.montecitowater.com/doc/ccr2023

Dear Montecito Water District Customer,


Montecito Water District is pleased to provide you with the Annual Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report. This report explains where your water comes from, provides information on water quality and how it is measured, and presents the District’s 2023 test results which show that drinking water met, or was better than, state and federal water quality standards. 

We encourage you to view the report and learn more about your drinking water by visiting: www.montecitowater.com/doc/ccr2023

To view the report on your computer you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

We now deliver the annual report electronically rather than by mail to reduce costs and environmental impacts. If you would like to receive a printed version, please reply to this email info@montecitowater.com with your mailing address, or call us at 805-969-2271 with your request.


Estimada Cliente,

El Reporte Anual de Calidad de agua del 2023 ya esta disponible.

Por favor visite www.montecitowater.com/doc/ccr2023 para que revise El Reporte Anual de Calidad de agua y aprende información importante acerca de su agua potable. Para acceder a esta página debe tener Adobe Acrobat Reader instalado en su computadora.

Este reporte contiene información importante sobre el origen y la calidad de su agua potable. Si usted desea una copia por escrito del Reporte Anual de Calidad de agua 2023 por correo, por favor llame al 805.969.2271 o por correo electronico escriba á info@montecitowater.com.

Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable. Tradúzcalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien.


Attention landlords, businesses, schools and other groups:

Please share this information with tenants, students, and other water users at your location who may not be customers receiving communications directly from Montecito Water District.

Amazing Patios

Annual Water Quality Report

Great News! As in prior years, the District confirms that it meets or exceeds water quality standards in the Annual Consumer Confidence Report.



Questions? Contact us

phone: 1.805.969.2271 • email: info@montecitowater.com


Kenneth Coates, President | Brian Goebel, Vice President

Cori Hayman, Director | Tobe Plough, Director | Floyd Wicks, Director

General Manager and Board Secretary: Nick Turner