Public Hearing on Water Availability Charge (WAC)
Water Facilities Improvement Program Enters Twenty-First Year
A key source of funds to pay for ongoing water distribution system upgrades has been an annual assessment of $30 per acre (or per parcel less than an acre) within the District. The assessment is collected along with property taxes as a water availability charge, and is used exclusively to finance water system improvements.
The assessment amount has not changed over the last twenty-one years, since it was initiated. No change in the assessment is proposed for the coming year. A written report with a description of each parcel of real property and the amount of the assessment for each parcel for the year is on file and available for review at the District office at 583
Public Hearing on Water Availability Charge (WAC)
A public hearing is scheduled for 2 p.m. on July 18, 2017. The hearing will be held in the Board Room of the Montecito Water District located at 583 San Ysidro Road, Montecito 93108. At this hearing, the Board will receive public input and any protests, objections or requests for adjustment to any assessment. Such protests may also be provided in writing to the District, but must be received by the District prior to the close of the hearing on July 18, 2017.
Improved Service
With a reliable water supply and modern water conveyance and treatment facilities, Montecito Water District is continuing to focus on upgrading the community’s water system, to assure that it will provide reliable water service far into the future.
Focus on New Pipelines
The ongoing program of improvements focuses on replacing old pipelines and other facilities that are more than 90 years old.
Improved Fire Flows and Reliability
The District is budgeting over $1 million per year in new pipelines, fire hydrants, pump stations and other facilities to provide enhanced reliability and water quality, as well as greater earthquake resistance.
Alder Flume, Montecito Water District
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