Cachuma Project

Lake Cachuma, June 2017. Bradbury Dam / State Water Project delivery through pipe is visible..

Cachuma Project

The Cachuma Project, completed in 1953, provides an important source of water to Montecito Water District and other south coast water purveyors. The federally owned facilities include Lake Cachuma (an open surface water reservoir), Bradbury Dam, related infrastructure, and conveyance pipelines.

Water from the Santa Ynez Rivershed is impounded in Lake Cachuma by Bradbury Dam, and this is categorized as a "Surface Supply." The Cachuma Project can provide more than 50% of the District's consumption in average or above-average rainfall years when full allocations are received.

The Cachuma Project also receives, stores and delivers State Water Project Allocations and Supplemental Water Purchases.

Photo of Lake Cachuma in February 2017.
View of Lake Cachuma in February 2017.