Service & Facilities

Montecito Water District provides water to Montecito, Summerland, and parts of Carpinteria. Having water at the ready for more than 4,600 service connections requires extensive planning, maintenance, and daily involvement - 24/7. In addition to serving residences, we supply water for schools, institutions, businesses, restaurants, hotels, and the community at large. MWD maintains hydrants and lines for fire protection, and works in close coordination with the Montecito Fire Protection District at all times.

Delivering a reliable supply of water in our semi-arid region is complex. Our water comes from many different sources, all of which must be managed, and before delivery water must be treated and tested. We rely upon canals and pipelines to bring imported water from Northern California, as well as dams, lakes, underground wells, and miles of local pipelines to supply water for daily and emergency needs. In addition to maintaining all of this infrastructure, our responsibilities include monitoring and complying with changing regulations, and advocating on water issues that may impact our customers. Keeping costs reasonable in rapidly changing political, economic and environmental conditions is crucial.

Every meter and each customer is important to us.


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District Facilities Overview

Due to the unique geography and history of our region, the District maintains a variety of facilities to ensure reliable water delivery, including:

  • Jameson Lake & Juncal Dam
  • Doulton Tunnel
  • Two Surface Water Treatment Plants
  • 9 Pump Stations
  • 10 Reservoirs
  • 12 Active Groundwater Wells
  • 114 Miles of Water Distribution Pipe

Our Capital Improvement Projects support the upkeep of this relatively complex system.